Special Response Team (SRT)

The Brigantine Police Department’s Special Response Team (SRT) Team is a multi-jurisdictional team consisting of 6 Officers from the Brigantine Police Department.

The Team has responsibilities that include but are not limited to executing search warrants narcotic search warrants, serving any other high risk warrants that are determined to be beyond the capabilities of patrol officers, assisting with Hostage/Barricade situations.

The SRT Team has strict firearms and physical fitness entry-level requirements. Once appointed, each member of the Team must continue to meet very strict quarterly firearms qualifications and annual physical fitness qualifications. The SRT Team trains an average of 24 days per year.

Entry level requirements for SRT Team members must passing stringent physical fitness and firearms qualification standards and a probationary period for new appointees where they must demonstrate proficiency in tactical maneuvers.

The SRT Team is supervised by a Team Leader and Assistant Team Leaders. Other members of the Team are assigned a variety of duties. Each member is personally committed to the Team and their profession.